Submitted by Secretary Carolyn McKenrick

1.Call to Order: PresidentJohnn Molburg called the meeting to Order at 7:20 PM.

Members Present: President-Johnn Molburg, Vice-President-Rich Stanatis, Secretary-Carolyn McKenrick and Board of Director Mary Beth Logue.

Members not Present: Treasurer-Marsha Stoffa and Board of Directors, Dan Rehak, Laurie Stone, Christina Gates & Insa Robinson.

* Due to not having a quorum, motions brought up in this meeting requiring a vote by the Board will be done through email.

2. Secretary’s Report: A motion was made by Mary Beth Logue to accept the Secretary’s Report from the May 17, 2019 PSDC Board Meeting in Denver, Pa. as it was reported to all Board Members and General Membership through an email. Vice-President-Rich Stanatis seconded the motion. Motion was passed.

3. Treasurer’s Report: Secretary- Marsha Stoffa reported to President-Johnn Molburg that as of August 2, 2019 the PSDC Savings Account has a balance of $2001.19, the Checking Account has a balance of $5535.66 and the PayPal Account has a balance of $634.68, $200 of that will be going to Jessica Kizmann for payment as our Web Master. The remainder of that money will be moved to our Savings/Checking Account after the Summer Camp out. A motion was made by Mary Beth Logue to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented. Vice-President-Rich Stanatis seconded the motion. The motion Passed. 

4. Committee Reports:

    A. ISDRA Report: Christina Gates reported to President-Johnn Molburg items that were being discussed by ISDRA. The ISDRA Conference will be held June 19-21, 2020, the location will be Ranch Rudolf in Traverse City, MI. ISDRA has created a Legislative Advisory Committee. They discussed what the lobbyist group Associated Dog Clubs of NYS, Inc. is about.  Another item brought up was the Driver Report Forms, which PSDC needs to do a better job of getting these backs to ISDRA. A discussion was held on newly proposed Dryland Rules, this discussion is still ongoing. Christina recommends checking the ISDRA page for more information.  

    B. Social Media Coordinator: Donna Quante reported to President-Johnn Molburg through an email. The PSDC Facebook page has 924 likes, most posts are getting over 100 views with many getting over 400.  She plans on posting more stories and thinks this will keep people coming back to our page. The post about the pilot who flies rescue dogs has gotten more views than anything posted. She would like to see more members posting photos of activities they do with their dogs. 

    C. IFSS Report: Steven Davis reported that there are possible changes coming from IFSS in the area of fees charged for events, but it is not official as of this time.

5. Old Business:

    A. Past Events

         1. Spring 2019 Meeting: Chris Jacobs, Nancy Molburg and Donna Quante reported that the Spring Meeting was very successful. Lev Shvarts gave a great presentation and talked about his Iditarod experience. The event did make a profit for the Club and had a moderate turnout.

    B. Pa. Dog Club Federation: President-Johnn Molburg reported the application has been filled out and submitted and we are just waiting for conformation.

6. New Business:

    A. Associated Dog Clubs of New York State Inc.- Christina Gates contacted President-Johnn Molburg, asking if PSDC would consider joining this Organization. She felt it would give our club a voice in any changes made by New York State in Dog related Laws that could affect our club and any events we have planned in New York. The fee to join would be $50.

* A motion was made for PSDC to join the Associated Dog Clubs of New York State Inc. by Vice-President-Rich Stanatis. Seconded by Mary Beth Logue. 

    B. Upcoming Events

          1. Summer Campout- Liz Stanatis reported that Animal Communicator, Anita Curtis is the guest speaker, events planned are the Calcutta and Drag Races, Chicken BBQ, Lead dog competition, breakfast both days and Silent Auction. Registration was light but felt it was going to be a great event. 

          2. Fall 2019 Meeting- LuWanna Krause reported the dates for this event are October 18-20, 2019. Training will be scheduled for Saturday and Sunday mornings. She is looking into a site close by that would allow longer distances. A Mushing 101 clinic will be held in the afternoon and a turkey diner will be planned for Saturday night.  

         3. New York Challenge Dryland Race- Steven Davis contacted the Board with a proposal for a new event to be held November 2 & 3, 2019. Steven laid out the foundation for this event which seems to be in order. It just needs to be approved by the Board.

* Mary Beth Logue made a motion to proceed with this event. Vice-President- Rich Stanatis seconded the motion.

          4. Fair Hill Challenge- President-Johnn Molburg reported that he plans to contact Lynda Ninos and Ed Schreckner on the status of this event.

          5. Tug Hill Challenge- Jan Haring reported the dates for this event are February 15 & 16, 2020. There has been some work on the trails. Vice-President- Rich Stanatis will reach out to our contacts to see what the status of the trails are. 

           6. Grand Canyon Sled Dog Race- Mary Beth Logue reported that the event co-organizers are still interested in having this event. The date is February 22, 2020. They will be offering a 6 & 8 dog Pro class and a 6 and 8 dog Registered Breed class along with a 2-dog skijoring class, the course will be 18 miles.

    C. Dividing up Dans Duties- A discussion was held to see what the best course of action will be to divide up the duties that Dan currently does.  This will be further discussed at our fall Board meeting.

7. For the Good of the Club- Recently several items have been donated to the PSDC.

  * A motion was made by Vice-President Rich Stanatis that PSDC would auction off these items (one at a time, maybe one in the fall and one in the spring). Folks could follow auction bid levels as they are posted to our FB/Web page. The winner would be responsible for any shipping expenses. Mary Beth Logue seconded the motion.

8. Adjournment- A motion was made by Mary Beth Logue to adjourn our meeting. Vice-President-Rich Stanatis seconded the motion. Meeting Adjourned at 9:15 PM.  

*The three motions brought forward have been approved by the Board as of August 12, 2019.   

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By Nancy Molburg