Hello everybody;

Several proposed amendments to the Pennsylvania Sled Dog Club by-laws have been submitted, and are included in this message.  As a member of the Pennsylvania Sled Dog Club, you are receiving a copy of these proposed amendments for your consideration.

A ballot containing these proposed amendments will be forwarded to all Pennsylvania Sled Dog Cub members in March, following the by-laws amendment procedure outlined in PSDC by-laws.

If you have any comments on these proposed amendments you wish to share with other PSDC members, you may send those comments to PSDC Secretary Carolyn McKenrick. Comments received from voting PSDC members will be included with the ballots mailed out, as required by the by-laws.

PSDC Secretary Carolyn McKenrick will be counting all ballots returned to her and will announce the results of the vote at the 2016 PSDC Spring Meeting.

Comments on these proposed amendments you wish to share with other PSDC members should be mailed to PSDC Secretary Carolyn McKenrick at  456 Pine Grove Road, Gardners, PA 17324. Her email address is: pineymt456@gmail.com. All comments need to be sent to McKenrick by March 5, 2018.

A complete copy of the current PSDC by-laws is available on the club website

Look for your ballot for these proposed amendments during the month of March. A deadline for returning those ballots will be included in that mailing.

Proposed Amendments

Submitted by Dan Rehak, & Nancy Molburg, Dec 12, 2017

These amendments change the position of “newsletter editor” to “social media coordinator” and eliminate the need to send a “self-addressed stamped envelope” to obtain an absentee ballot:

1.      The Board would like to change the position of appointed newsletter editor to appointed social media coordinator to align the by-laws with our current practice of using online social media in lieu of a printed newsletter.

2.     The Board would like to eliminate the requirement to request an absentee ballot by sending a self-addressed stamped envelope and allow a ballot to be requested by email.

First Proposed Change:


A. Officers and Their Duties

1. President

g. appoint the Club newsletter editor and webmaster, such appointment subject to Executive Board approval.


g. appoint the Club social media coordinator and webmaster, such appointment subject to Executive Board approval.


Second Proposed Change:


A. Officers and Their Duties

3. Secretary

a. keep complete and accurate records of all business transacted at Executive Board and General Membership meetings, all such reports to be filed promptly with the editor and/or webmaster for inclusion in club publication(s). 


 a. keep complete and accurate records of all business transacted at Executive Board and General Membership meetings, all such reports to be filed promptly with the social media coordinator and/or webmaster for inclusion in club publication(s).


Third Proposed Change:


A. Committees and Charges

6. Public Relations Committee:

a. shall be charged with managing all Club public relations, excluding publication of the Club newsletter and the Club webpage, to include publicizing significant Club and member accomplishments, acting as a liaison between the Club and the media.


a. shall be charged with managing all Club public relations, excluding publication of the Club social media posts and the Club webpage, to include publicizing significant Club and member accomplishments, acting as a liaison between the Club and the media.


Fourth Proposed Change:


A.    Elections shall be conducted by the Election Committee according to the following schedule:

6. A voting member who was present at the previous autumn meeting may secure an absentee ballot by writing to the Secretary including a self-addressed stamped envelope.


6. A voting member who was present at the previous autumn meeting may secure an absentee ballot by sending email to the Secretary.



By Nancy Molburg