ISDRA (International Sled Dog Racing Association) news this summer includes:

  1. LuWanna Krause resigned as our Regional ISDRA Director due to increased family  demands with her mother’s illness. Jessica Keiner-Borman was recruited by ISDRA  Executive Director Dave Steele to fill LuWanna’s position until elections for ISDRA  Directors are held. Jessica’s photo and a short statement were published in the most recent issue of Dog & Driver, ISDRA’s magazine.
  2. There is now a proposal before the ISDRA Board of Directors to add purebred classes to the medal program. I was told if adopted, this addition of purebred medal classes would be made retro-active to include the 2014-2015 season. That means if enough purebred drivers, clubs and the correct number of ISDRA regions participate in ISDRA sanctioned purebred classes, ISDRA medals could be awarded next spring to purebred teams for the first time. The new policy would apply to both snow and dryland events.

You can contact your new ISDRA Regional Director Jessica Borman or email ISDRA Executive Director Dave Steele at with your thoughts on this proposal. 

 Of course, ISDRA has requirements for registered dogs. This can be found on their website at There are blue tabs across the top of the webpage. Click on Resources and in the pull-down menu, you’ll find “Registered Breed Group Standard.” There are also requirements for each individual class to meet ISDRA medal status. They are: 


Criteria for Medal Class qualification are as follows; 

a. At least six (6) sanctioned races per class, must take place in a single season. 

b. These sanctioned races must take place in two (2) countries and three (3) states or provinces. 

c. The minimum number of competitors shall be at least twelve (12). 

d. To qualify for a medal in any class, a member must complete at least three races in that class. “– quoted from ISDRA website 

However, given the popularity of purebreds and pure-breed racing across Canada, New England, the mid-west and mid-Atlantic regions, I think medals for, at least, some classes in both dryland and snow races are a very real possibility for spring 2015.

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By Nancy Molburg