Annual Pennsylvania Sled Dog Club Camp Out with friends and dogs at Twin Streams Campground. Calcutta Racing on Saturday, fun run on Sunday. Breakfast and Dinner available. Fun Races, Best Decorated Gig, Rig, Scooter, Bike, Team!! - with your favorite theme.  Come join the fun!

Silent Auction Items Needed!!  Vendors Needed $25.00 per space (see registration).

Special Chance all weekend to meet and be part of Heather (Carbaugh) Huson's Dog Genetic Project.  If you want to be part of the project, as far as Alaskan Sled Dog, they are looking best and worst dogs in performance (speed, endurance, haet tolerance, handling stress).  Also looking for lead dogs (and good dogs that refuse to run lead) and dogs with varying gait styles (smooth and effortless versus cowhocked).  Siberians, Samoyeds, Malamutes are also a target in that they are trying to get mostly those used for sledding or the sled/show dogs.  More information coming.  There may be a registration, but for now if you have a pure bred dog, pedigrees are fantastic.